Monday, May 23, 2011

Spring Practice Incentive: Results are In!

We finished up the spring practice contest last week and celebrated the end of a great term at the dress rehearsal/studio party. If you want more information on this terms' practice contest, check out this post.

Once again, there were some students who took the challenge to heart, practiced every day, practiced diligently and seriously, and whose playing dramatically improved as a result. Then there were those students who didn't really seem to care about the contest and whose progress over this term was just so-so.

You can see the difference in looking at these charts as of last Friday. The monkeys are all over the tree! But I was happy to see many more on the upper half as opposed to the lower :) The winners received a $10 iTunes gift card.

Here are the results of our memorization challenge. Once again, some students really took this seriously and made it a goal to memorize almost every song they learned, while others really didn't take the challenge to heart.

I haven't awarded the prize yet, as we'll be doing a memory challenge this week in lessons to see how many of these songs the students actually remember, but the winner of this challenge will also receive a $10 iTunes gift card.

Any of you out there wrapping up a practice incentive program? What have you used as a theme? Was it a term or year-long theme? And what great ideas did you have for prizes?

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